Just a bit more

“Just a bit more”, Ryan muttered to himself as he tried to pull himself up the rocky outcrop. It was a depressing day, the wind made howling noises, the sky was a murky grey with hints of a downpour at any second.

Ryan was out hiking for the weekend. He loved the outdoors and always tried to find time to go out and do the things he loved. But sadly as one oftentimes encounters in life, loving something may not really be the same as wanting to do something.

For some people, loving something and doing something was synonymous. Not for him though. He loved to go out trekking and cycling. But doing it always seemed a chore to him. And he kept putting it off. But does that mean that he shouldn’t actually do it? This was a constant question in his mind.

And now in this struggle to climb up, his mind decided to remind him of all this. He grunted to himself, still trying to catch a foothold on something.

“This is sadistic really. Why do I put myself through this?”, Ryan muttered again just as he pulled himself up. But the view which greeted his eyes shut down his overthinking mind for a few seconds. Mountains.. a chain of mountains with dark grey Numbus clouds gliding past and through them.  The same howling of the wind which had seemed depressing earlier ceased to be so. Now it just sounded like a breeze. Or maybe a strong sounding breeze..

So the end, justifies the man then, Ryan thought. Smiling to himself, he sank down and leaned against a boulder. Staring at the clouds he thought, So what if I hate doing it? I guess it is for the feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of having done something , something which I always wanted to do, mayhaps yes.




Well I decided that I’ll be posting randoms things which I write about. Initially I am going to post older writings. Later lets see.


Time Flies

Time sure does fly. I created this in late August. And now its January of the next year.

I still  didn’t find anything to write about. Not really. The truth is I was being lazy. Life has been hectic and weird. I have been trying to be positive about things. But after a while, we all fall into a slump. And getting out of that… now that is something which is easy to say than to get done.

I have been thinking, and I thought I should post something per week. It would be good for me. I like writing.. not as much as reading But still Writing soothes me. Anything really.

So This is my mid Jan resolution till next Mid Feb.

Yep, its not a new year resolution or anything. Those never work out. I have tried it time and time again. Never worked out properly… So decided to try this out.

A new post for now

I have been planning this blog for the past one week. Nothing major, just how I want it to be and all that. initially I planned on two separate blogs. but knowing me I’ll get confused as to which account has which one. So I kept jumping and here I am.

I have no idea what I want to write about. That will work itself out I recon.

And so a new day begins tomorrow, yeah each day is new but still 😛

A Monday, last day of the month of August.

September awaits. It will take me awhile to get down to writing properly. But I’ll get there yet. For now, most of the posts will be random stuff like this. At least till I find something proper to write about anyway.